Revenue Management

Revenue Management for Hotels has Quickly Turned into a Must-Have For Successful Hoteliers


Kriya RevGEN is an ongoing Hotel Revenue Management Reporting, Analytics, and Service company. We specialize in Revenue Management for multi-property hotel owners seeking consistent and consolidated RM service across multiple brands. Unlike any other brand or current RM software available, our reporting provides reservation-level analytics enabling our Revenue Managers the ability to provide the most insightful pricing, yield, and channel management strategies possible. Our Revenue Managers build long-term relationships with you, your properties, OTA Market Managers, and Kriya Sales Teams to drive RevPAR results for years to come.


Kriya RevGen - Hotel Revenue Management Kriya Hotels

Kriya Hotels has quickly developed their Revenue Management platform into a must have tool for their hotels. The business intelligence data that we collect and format into useful reports helps make informed decisions throughout the hotel organization. Gone are the days of guessing on what days to adjust rates, how to respond to RFPs, or which promotions are producing.


We excel in working with ownership groups and hotel management companies that manage several different hotel brands. By assigning one portfolio revenue manager to the owner’s portfolio and streamline the reporting, we are able to save valuable time and make quick decisions without having to jump from call to call and work with several different revenue managers.


Inquire with us today on how we can help your hotel outperform your market and start making informed decisions that improve your hotel’s profitability!